Monday, May 31, 2010

Buddy Bear

Joseph was thrilled that he got to bring buddy bear home over the weekend. Never mind that it was the weekend we were moving and celebrating Grandma's birthday. I guess lots of the kids get to do something really exciting with Buddy bear and then they read about it at school to the whole class. One kids got to take it to lego land and so Joseph was real excited about the prospects of buddy bear fun.

I had the great inspiration of telling him to bring buddy bear with him on the big huge moving truck and that seemed to suffice. The move went really smoothly thanks to so many friends and family willing to help. Even our beds our set up for us to sleep on tonight. Impressive!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grandma's birthday

Several of us got together today to celebrate this great woman! This is not even all of her posterity. When people ask me why I wanted 6 kids this is why. It is purely selfish. I want to be loved and love this many people.

Grandma June is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever meet. She never forgets a birthday and she plays a mean phase 10. I hope some day to be the kind of grandma she has been to both me and my children!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let the 2's begin

Every mother likes to think of their children as advanced and I am no exception. Jacob is advanced in the art of fit throwing and we are so proud. I actually have found that when my kids hit the "2's" early the grew out of it quicker. I am just going to assume that is the same with this sweet little guy so that I can deal easier with the screaming. Happy Saturday.

Oh yeah and today I took Jared into the Dr's for a fracture in his foot. Don't seem to have a picture of it but wanted to document it. First day of summer break and moving weekend and he know has a broken foot. Poor kid!

Jared breaks his foot

Jared fell down the stairs. I was not home. He did not even call me to tell me. So when I did get home and he told me I figured it must not have been that big of a deal. Then it swelled and looked worse the next day. I did take him in to the hospital amidst moving and family reunion even though I was sure they were going to tell me it was nothing. Good thing I did. He did break. But he does not need a cast. Just a big boot.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Movie night

Even in the midst of all this packing we still like to have friday night movie night with the friends. I used to do themes and fancy food but it has turned into pizza and a movie and the kids don't seem to care. It is just fun having an excuse to invite friends over.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Isn't family awesome!

Two of my SIL's offered to come over on the same day to help me pack. We got so much done and I am feeling much more prepared then in past moves. Big time helps that I don't have a newborn even if I do have a newbie dog. It's not the same cause I don't feel totally warn out!!! I can get it all done. No stress, right?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thinking outside the box

Or bag in this case. Joshua has a unique way of looking at life and tends to try things the rest of us might not have thought of. He wanted to see if putting skittles into water would make the water taste like skittles. I think he was trying to make the most of his bag of treats. I love his Joshua-ness.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Book Club

This last year Emma and Sarah belonged to a book club group that meet twice a month. Usually they would do some type of activity that had to do with the book and then have a journal discussion about what they learned and the moral. They loved getting together with these sweet girls. It was great for them. Today was there last meeting so of course a pool party was in store. Such fun silly girls!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Snuggled up in daddy's arms

We were all hanging out in the living room when I looked over to notice that Joseph and Betty had both fallen asleep snuggled up together. I guess that makes it official. Betty really is one of us.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Todd has joined the group

And become an Eagle scout. So far all of the brothers have become eagles. Jared's goal is to get his eagle by the time he is 13. I love that he has the example of these amazing men in his life to look up to and to strive to be like. I am sure they have no idea how much he admires each one of them.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our new family member

Miss Betty. Ryan and i have been talking about getting a dog for a few months now. I have been researching trying to find the best hypo-allergenic, best for kids, easy to train, smart dog breed. I had narrowed it down to a few types. The problems was that most of them were really ugly dogs. I won't say which in case someone out there has one. But not one that I could love. Jared and I went on a date to the mall and had a look at the puppies there. He kept telling me he liked the mini schnauzers best but I had my eye on a different type at the time. Then I talked with my friend Bliss, who owns a mini schnauzer. She had such wonderful things to say about the breed that I wanted to check more into them. They met all of my requirements and are so dang cute.

That night Ryan and I went on a date to dinner then the pet supply store. We bought a book on mini schnauzers to see if this is what we really wanted. We then decided to go look at the dogs at the mall. They had a 6 month old and a 10 week old. First we sat with the 6 month old. Cute dog, very likable. But then they brought us the 10 week old. She was so sweet and docile and she just sat in Ryan's lap. He fell in love with her.

We talked over if we wanted to buy a mini and he let me know, "This is our dog. We are taking her home." I was not so sure we should jump into this but I have been wanting a puppy for much longer then him and if he was on board I knew I had to take him up on it.

We decided to wait until the morning to bring her home so that we could get our house ready for her. When the kids woke up this morning we surprised them and they were all so excited and could not believe dad had finally decided to get a dog.

She is so tiny and the cutest little thing! Before going to bed last night we talked about names. I thought her name should be sophisticated because she looks so regal and when Ryan suggested Betty we both knew that was it. Some how she has become Mrs. Betty and we all adore her.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Moving is fun

I am glad to see that atleast some of us are enjoying the process. While cleaning out and packing cabinets today Jacob discovered this cabinet. He never really bothered it before. I guess he didn't realize the fun that could be found. Funny little man.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Must be a phase

While going through my pictures today I realized in almost all of the pictures of Sarah she is making the funniest faces. That or she takes after my dad who loves to make silly faces in pictures.
When the kids get home from school they get a snack and get to homework time. I like when they come home and tell me about their day. I like to here their silly stories and funny jokes. I like to comfort them when the day their day is hard. Basically. I like them and love to be with them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm so glad when daddy comes home!

I love when Ryan comes home and the kids squeal, "Daddyyyyy!" I think we all feel that way and miss him when he is gone. I sure love the father of my children!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This is Jade our sweet little neigbor who lives behind us. For along time she would talk to the boys over the fence. Then one day she asked if she could come over and her dad lift her up over the fence. Thus began the little backyard play-dates. Jade, we will miss you.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Don't you love when you try an experiment for dinner and the kids gobble it up and ask for seconds? And to top that off it was super easy and cheap? I love dinner time success.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Still going strong

With sundae Sunday. Some weeks it works so great and all I have to do is give a little reminder. It was either today or last week that Josh told me, "Is ok. I don't want a sundae today." I was left speechless with that one.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Joseph's heart

Is seen through his eye's. He is normally a man of few words but usually I can look into his eyes and know where is heart is. He is so tender and I hope he keeps that loving spirit as he grows. just wanna squish him.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Over a year ago Emma went to a birthday party and the girls made these cute pots. The little girl has since moved away. Today her pot broke and she was so distraught. "This was my only thing to remember Paetan by." Ode to when broken pots were our biggest worries.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

School time

This is Jared's computer and I think he will miss it when summer finally hits. In addition to school work he also gets to use it to keep up to date with the sports and an occasional chat through email with his friends. I have enjoyed having home instead of at school all day. He is a happy kid who knows how to make me laugh.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Reading time

I was working on the computer and looked over to find this.Such a little sweet heart. Books are so very dear to me and it always melts my heart when I see one of my children enjoying a good read. Even if they don't know how to read yet.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I am loving these.

Ryan bought me these beautiful flowers for mothers day. Every morning since when I come down stairs to the smell of spring in my home I am reminded of his deep love for me and his desire to bring happiness into my life on a daily basis. I wish these flowers could last forever.

Monday, May 10, 2010

This is what I live for

Family time. The kind where we all laugh and act silly and just enjoy being together. We decided to play red light, green light (and other silly outside games) for FHE tonight. I fear I have created competitive little monsters who don't like losing. I am not sure how I did it or how to change it but boy does it make us all laugh. Really it seems to be the simplest things that cause the most delight.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers

This is what I was awoken to, happy children with a desire to show there love for me. I got a beautiful breakfast in bed and almost 20 handmade cards. On this specific mothers day I felt gratitude to be there mother. Gratitude to get to share my life with such beautiful and amazing children who seem to stretch me and strengthen me in ways I never knew were possible. I feel so loved to by them. Ryan got to spend the whole day with us (all his meetings were cancelled) And it was such a mellow wonderful day. Ryan also made me dinner. A most wonderful Tuna steak with rice and asparagus. Yum!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How amazing is this man

We went to visit with Ryan's family tonight. His Mom's side. I love to talk with them and always feel uplifted when I leave. Dear Papa John had out some of his scout patches from when he was a youth. He has lead such an amazing life and seeing he had such a good start in his early life helps me to understand a little bit more the importance of scouting for my own children/

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mothers day prep.

Hope and Sarah came over today so we could make this birthday calendar for my MIL for mothers day. We added small clothespins onto each of the strings that included the name and birth date of each family member under their birth month. I think it turned out so cute and I think I want to make myself one next.

But more then that I had a really good talk with Sarah. When we talk I tend to open up my heart and discover things about myself. Thank you for sharing who you are Sarah with me and for helping me to feel like a better person when we are done talking. Love you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Joshua has found Jared's old star wars chess set. It is great because he has no idea how to play but he thinks he does. He will set up the game close to right and then say "Let's battle" I am not sure of his rules but he is and playing with him makes me smile. When I walked out of my room this morning this is what was left of his battle. Earlier I had been overhearing Joseph and Joshua playing. Their were calling the guys friends and brothers. I smile on the inside on a daily basis.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I think it is safe to say that with a house full of children is anything but boring. Always much to day and many people to talk with and play with. While we were out shopping at costco we saw a family with 7 kids. I thought to myself, "wow that is a big family" Then I started to laugh. I guess that is how other people see us. They walked by and Joshua counted all the girls. 5 girls and two boys. Joshua then proclaims, "Only two boys? Boring." Emphasis on the "bor" He cracks me up.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy 32nd birthday.

I can safely say this has been my best birthday yet. Yesterday Ryan surprised me and said he was taking off work so that we could all go to Disneyland today. I was awoken to gifts from each of my children. Ryan had taken them shopping and gave them each a budget. He let them pick whatever they thought I might like. Jared got me a new red phone cover, Sarah a beautiful picture frame, EmmaLee cute pink earrings and pink lipstick, Joseph a water cooler for the fridge, Joshua a new watch, Ryan a new perfect bag for when I go to the temple and my mom gave me a divine book with photographs depicting the Saviors life. I loved the thoughtfulness that went into each gift!

Off we went ot disneyland. I am such a planner and it was kinda nice to just take off and not worry about snacks or drinks or anything. (including diaper and wipes. BTW did you know you can buy diapers for a dollar a piece at the baby care center) The weather was perfect, the lines were all short. It was truly great!
Here Emma and I are on the Toy Story ride. We got on really fast then got to re-ride because Jared's controller was broken. Shortly after we got on the ride the second time it stopped for probably 10 minutes. We got to shoot away and laughed a bunch. It was the best!

We left Disney around 6 and enjoyed dinner outside the park. Nice and mellow and just all around great day with my favorite people!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Jared got in a fight...

...with the wall. As you can see he lost.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I think it has been a long week

Jacob was extra energetic at church today and slightly grouchy as well. When we got home I got straight to making dinner. He was awfully quiet so I look over at him and had to do a double take. This kid never falls asleep anywhere but his bed. I think my being gone from him wore him out. That or he had so much fun with his Aunt and uncles.
