Sunday, February 28, 2010

I love this man!

He always gives me this silly side ways look when I am trying to take a picture of him. It's kinda an inside joke and he makes me laugh.
Today was just a normal Sunday except my children were really well behaved at church and it kinda shocked me. Every week it seems to get easier and easier. But for some reason through out the day I just kept thinking about how blessed I am to be married to this man. He is so much more then I hoped a husband would be. He loves me like a queen and yet makes me smile and laugh with his silly antics. I hope my children feel so blessed when they get married!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I really do love the rain

but this was a little much even for me. It started out very mild then less then half way in it poured heavy cold rain. First time I ever kept my jacket on the whole run. Other then that though my run today amazing. I ran 12 miles and Ryan came and picked my up. Even though I had a touch of the flu or something I had some wonderful experiences that meant a lot to me. It seems that my long runs are the times I have to really connect with my Father above. I don't know how to explain it except to say that I love it and on more then one occasion I have been known to get tears in my eyes. Every once in a while I forgot why I am putting myself through such intense training then I remember days like today.

Friday, February 26, 2010

When the cats away..

...The family crafts. Ryan has been out of town for a couple days and when he is gone I always feel like making something. We painted these little letter blocks. I painted Jacob's name nice and let the kids paint the others however they saw fit. I miss my hubby when he is gone and I think this is my way of distracting myself. We also went out to eat and watch a show together. I know I say it a lot but I love my life!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Elder Todd

Ryan's little brother got his mission call today and he will be serving in the seoul Korea mission. Crazy. We are so excited and so proud of him. Two years eating kimchi and other fermented foods. But more important then that two years learning to love the Korean people while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We love you Todd!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So busy

Jacob is now into everything and I mean everything. He has a passion for little tiny items and pencils. Both of which he screams his head off when I take them away. Jared left down a game and boy was Jacob pleased as punch. He played in the money and held on to the dice for a long time. When I finally had to take the dice he threw the biggest fit. Good thing he is the baby of the family cause I thought his fit was adorable and it gave us a ll a good laugh.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Actor and the Housewife

I love book club. These wonderful friends make me laugh and help me to get out of the little bubble that is my day to day life. Even though I REALLY was bugged on so many levels by this book I enjoyed discussing it and felt like it was a good book club book. Would I recommend it? No way. But I will read something by the author again since I mostly liked her writing style.

But more then the book I just feel like for the first time in a long time I have found a group of girls I really can enjoy and feel like I can just relax and have fun with. I am sure part of this is due to the fact that we move so much and we have finally been in the same place for over a year and I know we are not moving any time soon. Girls? Why do we not get together more?

Monday, February 22, 2010


Most Mondays we enjoy silly songs, a short lesson on gospel principles, laughing, and usually a little treat. The only way to keep Josh tuned in is to let him pick the songs we sing. His new favorite is twinkle twinkle. I love that all the kids will get involved even if the songs are kinda young for them. Many it is days like today I am reminded how lucky I really am.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How do you take away something they love so much?

Jacob loves his binkies. I mean he really loves them. Joshua was my only other to take one and he didn't care the same way. It was mostly for the car and bed. Jacob on the other hand would keep it in his mouth all day. Only taking it out to eat some toy or treasure he has found. We found a bunch under his bed today and he was thrilled that I let him take all four with him during his nap. It was great to watch because he just kept taking one out to simply put a different one in, suck on it a minute then plop it out to try another one. I think I say it a lot but I sure do love this kid!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A boy and his fishing rod.

I took Joseph shopping one day so he could tell me what he might like for his birthday. He is very thoughtful and kinda a quiet little man. He doesn't ask for much so I really wasn't sure what he would like. I was surprised at the excitement he should over two things: 1. a kite and 2. this fishing rod. Even though Ryan knows nothing about fishing he told me we should get it for him and they would go fishin together. I told him he would have to wait until today and he has been counting down the days.
They went and got lunch together then headed down to the lake. Even though they did not bring any fish home Joseph let me know a few did bit. He didn't seem to care and by the end of the day he was asking when they could go again. Such a sweetie this one is.

Friday, February 19, 2010

He is so close to being a real walker.

This week he has finally figured it out and has been trying to really master this walking thing. Today he took several steps several different times. So fun to watch him develop. The kids always get so thrilled to see him walk and tell each other every time they see him do it. "Mom, come look. He just took 6 steps"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Could it be possible I have a teenager in the making?

Because Jared is home most of the time he gets the joy of being dragged to the park with the little kids. Don't let him fool you, he secretly loves it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy 6th birthday Joseph aka JoJo

My little guy had a great day I think. His friend Kahlil got to spend the day with us (for the next 2 weeks also) I let the kids pick the food items they want on their birthday. Joseph has this cheerios book with recipes he picked out one time at the library so everything was cheerios based. Cheerio parfait for breakfast and cheerios, pudding, cake, chocolate candy, graham cracker thing for desert. He doesn't like cake or a lot of sugar for that matter so it made sense that he didn't want a cake. He was just waiting to bit into that yummy-ness. After a couple bites he let me know, "Mom, I don't think I like pudding." He wasn't upset, just letting me know.

He got a Woody doll, a bucket of army guys from the movie, lego army guys, a kite, a bow and arrow and computer from Grandma, $20 to target from his other grandma, and a fishing rod. He seemed pretty pleased. I think he was most happy about not having to sit in his car seat now that he is a big boy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Warm weather + park days= happy tired children

We went to the park with my sweet friend Angelina and her little boy Sam. This picture is Jared trying to bury Jacob. Oh aren't boys so fun!
We had such a wonderful time and the kids had a great time to. I love the park with friends cause the kids are so entertained you can actually visit. Angelina and I had a lot to talk about. Her son was just diagnosed with Autism. My heart broke for her. She is so strong and so amazing that I feel so confident that he is in the very best of hands. More then anyone I know her son is the center of her world and she will do all she can to help him be amazing. I went home and hugged my kids and their wild ways and just felt blessed for my problems. Some times we need a wake up call of how blessed we truly are.

Monday, February 15, 2010

It was just a normal day...

...well, almost. We had great plans today since Ryan had off work and so did the kids but then Ryan hurt his back and we just ended up hanging out at home, nice and mellow and a little boring. I say the word boring in the n=most wonderful of contexts. I am never bored unless I chose to be. There is just to much in my word to be truly bored. So when we get a chance to hang out and play video games as a family, I just really enjoy it.
But with boredom comes this..and this.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Since Valentines Day feel on a Sunday (and Ryan is at church from 9-5) we celebrated during the week. Today was devoted to loving the kids. I spent extra time on there hair and gave them special treats. We tried to just hang out together and enjoy the love that is our family. Plus the kids were so wonderful at church I felt like it was a miracle. Seriously they were like angel children. Made me feel warm and fuzzy. Then I taught my first lesson to the 14-15 year olds. I felt like it went good. I loved this Sunday!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Preparing for Valentines day.

I bought everyone in my family yummy see's candy. This was an act of real love. I love see's candy but can not eat it unless I want to be very sick. So instead I made cupcakes I could eat and share with the kids. It was my selfish giving act. Haha. These were so yummy. You use pumpkin in place of the dairy and eggs. Gives it a scrumptious taste!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Percy Jacksom and the Lightening Thief

Jared, Sarah, Ryan and I have all read the book and were excited to see the movie so we went to the first showing today. Movies are never as good as books but we still had an enjoyable time together. Jacob has two ear infections and since he wasn't feeling well he actually let us watch the movie. That was a first. One thing I like about sick baby is the extra snuggles. He is actually snuggled up to me right now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

He is growing up.

Jared has started to babysit for us. Mostly when it is only a few of the kids or when the younger ones will be in bed. Thursday I took Joseph to music class and Jared babysit the two little boys. When I got back it was so sweet to see the two of them playing in the backyard together. They really have such a sweet bond.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines day

The kids don't have school this Friday or Monday so they get to celebrate on Tomorrow, Thursday. Aunt Kaylee came over and the girls poured over who got which valentine. Sarah even made one special for a boy, mostly cause they are friends and he asked her to. He has a crush on her and she thinks he is a great friend. Already the heart breaker. What am I gonna do?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Creative minds

The first thing Joseph said to Ryan when he woke up was, "I have been looking at this book all night and I want to make this." He pointed to a windmill. He then went about the house getting all the things he needed and Ryan told him he had to wait for me to get back from my run to help him cut the hard parts. He was on pins and needles. I loved watching him as we put it together. The sad thing was that it didn't really work. He didn't care. He moved on to the next page and showed me what we would be making next. Puppets. I think I made his week by letting him create. I guess we all have the desire to make and to create.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I had dreams about these pictures!

Photo Orange Photography took this picture
Right before I feel asleep last night I got an email that some of my pictures would be up to look at in the morning. I was so thrilled because I love our photographer and I loved what she did with I. I dreamt about our photo shot and about seeing the pictures. So in the early afternoon when I got the first glimpse of them it made my day. Are we not the cutest ever?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

All by myself!

Sunday after church Joshua came running into the kitchen so proud of himself. "Look mom, I did my own hair." He used a ton of product and we all had to work really hard not to laugh. I think he might have a career ahead of him?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Long night

Emma woke up several times through out the night with severe pain in her ear. By morning her ear drum had burst and she was throwing up. After my run we basically had a mellow day in the hotel while she rested. Once we got home I took her to the dr's and she slept some more. I felt so sad that there was not much I could do for her in the middle of the night besides give her Tylenol. It is hard for the mommy in me when I can't take away there pain. I was glad when she felt much better the next day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Love the rain!

Even while on vacation I love it. We walked along the pier then enjoyed having lunch at Ruby's. The kids loved it and we loved watching them. The best part really was the walk home in the rain. We all got soaked to the bone because I had left the umbrella in the car. We laughed and smiled and just enjoyed acting like kids. Ahh I sure feel so lucky to have them as my children.

We also really enjoyed bowling later that day. I didn't know I liked bowling so much with the kids. I am not very good but it sure was fun to watch the kids get excited when they hit a pin or a bunch of pins.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I stopped trying to make sure all the kids were looking before I take a picture. This way I get much more character. We started off vacation by enjoying some fun rides. I think we all love toy story mania best. The kids almost talked me into going on the rapids but it was just a touch to cold for me. The other new favorite ride is splash mountain. Yes you get a little wet but it is just so much fun to watch the kids squeal in delight. I convinced Joshua to go on the ride this time and he was so cute about it. He didn't think it was to scary but didn't want to ride a 2ND time. I think over all it was a great start to our vacation.
We learned that family vacations are all about the kids and expecting anything different would be totally naive.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Its all over.

Jacob has learned to climb to the top of the stairs. He was so proud of himself today when he booked it up there while I stepped out of the room for only a few seconds. What made matters worse was that he also got into the cabinets that have child locks on them. I wish child locks actually worked. Even though it means he will be getting into more I love watching him learn new skills.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cheerios for dinner?

I spent over and hour making a dinner I was so excited to eat. When we sat down to eat it I took a bit and instantly knew something was wrong. The shrimp was bad - very very bad. I bought it tonight, instantly came home and cooked it. It should have been good. I am hoping the kids didn't eat any before I stopped them.
I think the they were so excited to get to eat cereal for dinner and sugar cereal at that. While we were at the store I let them all pick out junk cereal for our trip. Score for them!! I made myself pancakes after they went to bed. Bisquick has a supreme (or deluxe or something really good) pancake recipe on the back of the box. Oh so yummy!!! Kaci if you are reading this you should try them!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

It was one of those days...

...where really the only thing that can make things better is to get lost in a book. Once the kids went to bed that is exactly what I did. Again I will say -Yeah for book club girls!!!
