This is my journey into the world of cake making and decorating. My wonderful Mom gifted me with the love of creating and decorating cakes. Learn with me through my successes and my failures. As a vegan girl I will share wonderful recipes I discover.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sundaes on Sunday
My wonderful cousin gave me the idea of rewarding the kids with sundaes on Sunday. If they act well during church they can earn up to 6 items for their sundae. That includes scoops of ice cream. So far I think this has helped. Except this Sunday when Joshua was giving me a hard time I let him know that he was not going to be getting any ice cream when we got home. He said, "That's OK, I don't like ice cream." But in the car on the way home he asked how many things he earned and I had to tell him none. He screamed for a LONG time. Boy I hope he remembers this next Sunday and it doesn't back fire on me.

Saturday, January 30, 2010
First real family photo session
Friday, January 29, 2010
My Girls
Both Sarah and EmmaLee were student of the month today. How great is that. I love the way their school does it. After they receive the award in front of the whole school they then go back to their classroom where their teacher reads a certificate she has written about about why they received this award. They said such nice things about my girls. I was so proud!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010
My sweet little baby
Jacob has been rather grumpy lately so I figured he must have an ear infection. He seems to only be grumpy when those hit him. Was I sure surprised when the Dr. looked at me to let me know he has bronchitis. I felt so sad for him. No wonder he has been so grumpy. She told me that it his breathing was very labored.
Thursdays are always our drive around all afternoon taking kids from one thing to the next. I think being sick made the car ride even harder. After Jacobs screaming seemed to never end I pulled out all the stops. I gave him a huge Disneyland sucker and let him suck away. He was happy the rest of the ride. Oh the things we do to keep ourselves sane.
Thursdays are always our drive around all afternoon taking kids from one thing to the next. I think being sick made the car ride even harder. After Jacobs screaming seemed to never end I pulled out all the stops. I gave him a huge Disneyland sucker and let him suck away. He was happy the rest of the ride. Oh the things we do to keep ourselves sane.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Book Club makes me happy!
It is the worst to finish a good book and have no one to talk about it with. My poor husband has had to listen to make explain all about my latest reads for several years. He is a good sport. But having someone fall in love with the characters right along with you or be frustrated with their stupid actions is priceless. This is why I love these ladies and why I love book club!
When we meet tonight we all brought along books we have read and loved then we lent out and borrowed. We all are big readers and 1 book a month is just not enough. I came away with a huge stack and I am so excited to plow right through them. Plus we sit, talk, eat, and enjoy being out of the house for a couple hours talking to other adults. You ladies are the best!!!
We read The Help and we all loved it!!! I couldn't hep but try to make this picture look a little older since the book took place in the 60's.
When we meet tonight we all brought along books we have read and loved then we lent out and borrowed. We all are big readers and 1 book a month is just not enough. I came away with a huge stack and I am so excited to plow right through them. Plus we sit, talk, eat, and enjoy being out of the house for a couple hours talking to other adults. You ladies are the best!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Look at those eyes. I love this kid.

He said to Ryan "I'm gonna throw up if you don't get me some of that."
Ryan, "Ok go get a bowl then."
Josh,"For what?"
Ryan, "To throw up in"
Josh, "I'm not gonna throw up silly"
Yesterday I told Josh I want to take a nap. Here is our conversation
Me- I need a nap
Josh- Well go take one then. I'll watch the baby
Me, I just laughed
Josh- No serious I'm old enough
Me- I don't think so bud
Josh- (he starts to cry) But really mom I can
Monday, January 25, 2010
Elder Brady

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Why a picture of me?

I am a strong believer that miracles happen daily and often we fail to see or recognize them as such. But today I was blessed to be super mom. The kids sat really well for most of the meeting. We then had a pot luck after church. Ryan had to help set up and organize things and I managed the kids just fine. Since Ryan had to stay to help clean up the kids and I walked home. (I love that we live that close) We enjoyed a nice mellow evening until Ryan got home. It was such a good day. I am surprised and humbled by the success.
I write all this down not to boost but to help myself remember that when I trust in the Lord things can be made light. Some days are hard and it helps to remember these good days.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Why do we buy toys?

Friday, January 22, 2010

He called them today and then went over to play warriors. He had so much fun and the first thing he said to me when he got in the car when I picked him up was, "Sorry I got mad at you the other day for not letting me come over. That was the best" He was so proud of his battle wounds- I guess air soft pellets do hurt but not to bad.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I only wish some one would have told me sooner.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Rain Rain go away come again some other day

I love dirty boy hands. I really do. I love that they dig deep and play hard.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Splish Splash

Monday, January 18, 2010
Change of plans.

We had plans to go to the park with some friends of ours on Monday. The kids were excited to play with friends and I was excited to enjoy the park with the kids and visit with friends. But when the sky opens up and it starts to rain plans changed. We ended up going to the church and letting the kids run lose. I am going to miss going to church with Erin, Angelina, and April so it was nice to visit.
I brought my camera then forgot to take pictures until we were cleaning up and ready to go so this is all I got. He had so much fun playing in the nursery with all the bigger kids though.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Man!

Second- He is amazing in so many wonderful ways. Now when you marry an amazing man like I have you can't help but be surprised when he gets called into the bishopric. But for some reason I thought I would have a few more years. Now I get to receive of the many blessings that will come from his willingness to serve. I am sure with that will come more patience and love for my children while I try to sit alone on the bench for the next several years. If you ever need someone to pray for on a Sunday afternoon and my name comes to mind I wouldn't mind the added support.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Stake Conference
Friday, January 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Baby Jacob!

We didn't really do much for his day. Just hung out together, played wii Just Dance, and enjoyed the typical bday celebrations-cake and presents. I was surprised that he never ate the cake. He licked at the frosting and chewed on the candle but he refused to bite into the cake. Ryan even tried to give him a bite and he was not interested at all. He did start rubbing it all over his legs to try and get it off of his hands so he was a real mess after. We all stood around him and just laughed and giggled. It was so much fun. The kids loved it as much as he did. He loves to make them happy so when ever they laugh at him he will do it over and over again just to get the good laugh. I love this little guy!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Joseph's creativity!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
That's my boy!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Chinese Checkers

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Baby Elle
My sweet SIL Allie is due to have her little girl the end of the month. Today her friend and sister threw her a baby shower. Everything present she got was awesome! You can't always say that. It was so good to sit and chat and just enjoy each other.
I love these women whom I get to share so much with! I am so blessed!
I love these women whom I get to share so much with! I am so blessed!

Friday, January 8, 2010
I know it is picture of the day but I had to post two. I woke up in the morning realizing that we have not been to Disney in awhile due to holidays. So the two little J's and I headed off for a day of adventure.
Joseph got to go to work with Ryan for a couple hours before school started which he was thrilled about.
It was such a pleasure to get to focus on these cute little guys. Joshua was so talkative and told me all kinds of funny stories. He would tell me about the people around us- what ride they were going to ride next to family dynamics. He told me his favorite part of the day was the parking lot. Who knew?
I think the best part was taking it slow. It was so relaxing for me. I noticed mom's with just two kids and how stressed out they felt. I guess it takes having 6 kids to feel so relaxed with only two?
I can't believe how big my little Jacob is getting. Loves!
Joshua loved playing in the water. When we walked away he seemed unhappy about the fact that he was wet. He informed me that "I don't mind being a little wet"
Joseph got to go to work with Ryan for a couple hours before school started which he was thrilled about.
It was such a pleasure to get to focus on these cute little guys. Joshua was so talkative and told me all kinds of funny stories. He would tell me about the people around us- what ride they were going to ride next to family dynamics. He told me his favorite part of the day was the parking lot. Who knew?
I think the best part was taking it slow. It was so relaxing for me. I noticed mom's with just two kids and how stressed out they felt. I guess it takes having 6 kids to feel so relaxed with only two?

Joshua loved playing in the water. When we walked away he seemed unhappy about the fact that he was wet. He informed me that "I don't mind being a little wet"

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Taxi Mom

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today was a big day for this little man. He got his first tooth about a month ago. But for a few months now his top left tooth has been bulging, I am not overstating this. I am not sure why it has taken this one little painful tooth so long to break through but today it finally did it. Maybe he will start sleeping better. Maybe we all will start sleeping better.
I also choose this picture because tonight he gave us a very real scare. I spent two hours making dinner tonight to have it fail. S0 by 6:45 we decided it was time for taco Tuesday at Rubios. I gave the baby a taco all broken up and the lime that comes with it. He sucked on the lime for sometime and then let out a blood curdling scream. He just kept crying over and over as he hit his chest. I was so worried that he was having an allergic reaction to the lime. His chest turn red as did the area around his neck. He did finally calm down and we really don't know what caused his pain. I won't be giving this little guys limes any time soon that is about all I figured out.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Cookies and milk

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Cooking with style

Saturday, January 2, 2010
It's your day to shine!

She seemed so happy. She told me how she felt just like a princess and that is just what I wanted for my sweet girl. In her confirmation prayer the one thing that stuck out to me more then anything was that she brings and will continue to bring happiness to those she meets and loves. She is our sunshine on earth. She helps the flowers to grow and adds a little warmth to everything she touches. Boy I love you Emma Lou!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Day 1- Jan 1, 2010

I was doing something in the kitchen and set Jacob on the counter right next to me. Joshua got a cute look on his face and asked if he too could sit on the counter . Normally I would say no but with Jacob already there I simply had to say yes. He was seemed pleased with himself. Then Joseph came along and asked if he too could sit on the counter like Jacob. These "three little J's" really let there personalities come out in this picture. Joseph loves to share his world with me. Joshua is forever being silly and Jacob just loves his older brothers and looks to them for entertainment.
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Blog Archive
- Sundaes on Sunday
- First real family photo session
- My Girls
- My sweet little baby
- Book Club makes me happy!
- Look at those eyes. I love this kid.
- Elder Brady
- Why a picture of me?
- Why do we buy toys?
- Warriors
- I only wish some one would have told me sooner.
- Rain Rain go away come again some other day
- Splish Splash
- Change of plans.
- My Man!
- Stake Conference
- Happy Birthday Baby Jacob!
- Joseph's creativity!
- That's my boy!
- Chinese Checkers
- Conquered
- Sundays
- Baby Elle
- Disneyland
- Taxi Mom
- Somedays are just like this
- Jacob
- Cookies and milk
- Cooking with style
- It's your day to shine!
- Day 1- Jan 1, 2010